In 2015, she was named the year’s Notable Wisconsin Children’s Author by the Wisconsin Library Association. Woodson Award (on two occasions), and the SCBWI Golden Kite Award. Bausum’s books have appeared consistently on lists of recommended and notable titles and have earned numerous literary awards including a Sibert Honor Award, the Jane Addams Children’s Book Award, the Carter G. This award recognizes the consistent commendation earned by her individual titles through the years. In the spring of 2017, the Children’s Book Guild of Washington, D.C., will honor the body of Bausum’s work by presenting her with its venerable Nonfiction Award. Both books were published in 2014 by National Geographic: Sergeant Stubby (for adult readers) and Stubby the War Dog (for children). She wrote twin titles about the stray dog smuggled to Europe during World War I who returned to a hero’s welcome. The almost-forgotten story of Stubby lured Bausum away from social justice history temporarily. Previous works have explored voting rights, immigration, and free speech, among other topics. Her previous title, Stonewall (Viking: 2015), is among the first nonfiction books to introduce teens to gay rights history.

In the case of these and other books, Bausum strives to bring the nation’s social justice history to life in ways that empower and inspire readers young and old alike. Her newest title, The March Against Fear (National Geographic: 2017), is her third work to examine the civil rights movement in the American South. Her works often focus on under-told stories from the past, and she frequently explores issues of social justice.

Ann Bausum writes about history for readers of all ages from her home in southern Wisconsin.